FMCG Brand

Case Study

Prior to the 23 Media Audit’s involvement the FMCG brand was operating under a model that was delivering:

  • Limited visibility of digital spend by platform
  • Low viewability levels
  • Lack of KPI CPM’s to the overall business objectives
  • Disconnect in regard to the customer journey within the full media mix

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Case Study

What We Did

23 Media Audits ran a detailed review of the brands processes across their entire agency network. This was stage 1 of our process and helped us to provide the following as an initial start point:

  • Identify where media value improvements could be delivered for future campaigns
  • Provide a set of workable benchmarks for the marketing and procurement teams
  • Provide a set of data driven insights across the short and medium term for the brand that were linked to business KPI’s.
  • Provided the local market with a best practise template that could be used for other markets where applicable.
Part of the 2nd stage was to ultimately deliver the brand a more cost-effective model without compromising on quality of the customer journey.
Representative – 23 Media Audits

We reviewed the key KPI’s from the brand side and integrated them within the agency contract to deliver a framework which the client could set specific objectives. 23 Media Audits also provided the following:

  • Delivered a set of working KPI’s that were based on the client’s own business objectives and that the agency was fully aligned with.
  • Key measures as part of a top line dashboard that was updated on a monthly basis.
  • Comparisons against peer groups and media benchmarks.
  • Actionable insights review to make sure all actions points were implemented by the agency on behalf of the brand.


£5M spend resulted in:

18% media saving across all media

35% saving across digital delivery

20% digital efficiency saving

As part of our ongoing process we review all elements of the procurement led contract and the marketing KPI’s providing all the stakeholders with training for the ongoing media process.

Identifying Digital KPI’s workshop

Understanding the media process

Simplifying the customer Journey


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